Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Does Half Freeze Duration stack?

couldn�t find anything about the mod half freeze duration...

i�m curious about what happens if i have the affix 'hfd', lets say, 4 times on several items and get hit with a freeze length of 10 seconds

i think the cold resists do influence it somehow, so lets assume 50% cr - but that is not that important to me...

having the mod once should half the duration to 5 seconds

now does having the mod three times more affect the duration any further, like

[cold duration] / [2] power x

while x being the amount of times u have the affix?

any input appreciated|||No, it doesn't stack. Two items with half freeze duration will neither reduce it to immunity nor to 1/4 freezing time. It will still be half the time, just as if you wore just one of them.|||Quote:

No, it doesn't stack. Two items with half freeze duration will neither reduce it to immunity nor to 1/4 freezing time. It will still be half the time, just as if you wore just one of them.

thanks for the info no change of equipment needed on my chars then|||i like to combine CBF and half freeze myself, just for the unholy freeze monsters.|||Quote:

i like to combine CBF and half freeze myself, just for the unholy freeze monsters.

this is one way to make use of that mod in lod i didn�t think of

i was thinking about classic, where there is no viable possibility to get cbf for a cs-char. quite annoying to be frozen for a few seconds, but no way around it i guess|||Maybe I'm overlooking something, but I don't think that half freeze duration has any effect on holy freeze. The irresistible freezing is an ongoing, continuous effect, so it doesn't have a duration which could be halved. The freezing from the cold damage itself should have a duration, but CBF already makes you immune to that.|||Half freeze duration will not stack as it is applied only once.

Holy freeze acts more as 'slow' on the unit (attack rate and velocity), based on the units chill effectiveness.

Chill length is affected by cold resistence.


Maybe I'm overlooking something, but I don't think that half freeze duration has any effect on holy freeze. The irresistible freezing is an ongoing, continuous effect, so it doesn't have a duration which could be halved. The freezing from the cold damage itself should have a duration, but CBF already makes you immune to that.

well okay then, good to know. so even if you just get a little splash of it, get outside the holy freeze range and are "chilled" you're not actually being chilled, it's some other effect?|||You mean that you are still chilled for a short while after running out of the aura? That's probably because the presence or absence of aura effects isn't checked that often, perhaps once per second.|||Holy Freeze only applies cold damage, not cold length, so Half Freeze Duration and Cannot Be Frozen have no effect on it. While an aura is active the game checks every two seconds for targets within its radius, so a target may remain slowed for a short while after moving out of HF's radius.

More recently I've learnt that - attack rate and velocity applied by Holy Freeze is limited by the target's chill effectiveness: players, hirelings and pets have 50 chill effectiveness, which means that no more than -50 attack rate and velocity can be applied by Holy Freeze (achieved with level >11); a monster with 25 chill effectiveness would only have -25 attack rate and velocity applied to it by Holy Freeze, even if the displayed value is higher.

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