Saturday, April 21, 2012

Questions about Open Wounds

I'm pretty sure you're all sick of my questions in here, but heres some more.


I'm making a kicksin for PvP using all that FRW stuff I was asking about before. The main claw will be 'Malice' with 100% OW.

Is the damage further effected by the PvP reduction (after the 1/4th OW deduction against players?

Will Venom affect its duration/effect at all?

I also have a few questions about Venom and Poison boosts:

I've been told that the Poison damage and duration on Poison facets will mess with Venom's duration. Does it negate the damage done by venom? If so, I'll not use them.

Does the +% Poison damage from Trang Oul's Claws and 'Bramble' still apply twice? Once when you cast venom, and again when you hit something?

Thanks for the help |||u should check ur math again :P

i get 1662.25 dmg over 8 seconds

afaik the pvp penalty applies (and that should be those modifiers) and the dmg is not reduced by dr%, cuz it works like negative life regeneration and not like one hit (for this u might want a second opinion). it will override or restart|||You really should know by know to check AS and the wiki


Can a target be subject to different OW causes at once?

-No, it can't. If OW is triggered on a target already under the influence of OW, the timer will simply be reset to 8 seconds.

Can OW be countered by replenish life, physical resistance or absorb?

-OW ignores any resistances and absorb and cuts off regeneration on the target if triggered.

Is there a PvP penalty for OW?

-As noted in the above formula, life loss in PvP is 1/4.|||I did read all the FAQs.

40 + 1341 + (85 - 60) * 45 * .25

1406 * 45 * .25

63270 * .25


What did I do wrong?

If the 1/4 listed is normal PvP reduction to everything (I thought it was 1/9th for some reason) then it make sense. I thought the 1/4th was a modifier that just applies to OW, and possibly the normal PvP reduction happened on top of that.|||Multiplication before summation, not just left to right.

40 + 1341 + (85 - 60) * 45 * .25

1381 + 25 * 45 * .25

1381 + 281.25


=> 207 DPS|||<-- Idiot. That damage isn't so great then. Been way to long away from math I guess. Was trying to remember the acronym for order of operations... Should've looked at the examples

I adjusted my questions. Hopefully they make more sense.|||Quoted again for emphasis


Is there a PvP penalty for OW?

-As noted in the above formula, life loss in PvP is 1/4.

Venom has nothing to do with OW.

How resists affects poison damage and duration is complex I think. There's a guide by Onderduiker somewhere if you feel you need to really understand it. Afaik though there's no way to negatively affect Venom's damage. What does happen is that any other poison damage duration gets reduced to Venom's length of 1.4 secs. So if the only other poison damage you have is a 100 poison dmg over 4 seconds charm, you won't apply the full 100 damage for the full 4 seconds. Only (1.4/4)*100 = 35 damage will be applied alongside your Venom damage for 1.4 seconds.

+% poison damage still applies twice to Venom. I.e. if you have 800 venom damage before putting on Trangs you'll apply (800*1.25) * 1.25 = 1250 damage.|||venom has a poison duration of 0.4 seconds, so it will be reduced to that amount of time

+% poison applies twice, if while u cast venom u wear the items with +% and while u hit ur opponent u�re wearing it again

for example on ur venom cast switch u have +50% poison dmg from items and on ur fighting switch u have +100% poison dmg from items it will be calculated like this:

(venom dmg * (1 + 0,5)) * (1 + 1) = 3 * venom dmg or 200% increased poison dmg|||Quote:

Is the damage further effected by the PvP reduction (after the 1/4th OW deduction against players?


Multiplication before summation, not just left to right.

40 + 1341 + (85 - 60) * 45 * .25

1381 + 25 * 45 * .25

1381 + 281.25


=> 207 DPS

What follows may contain some redundant brackets, but gives a better idea of the order in which to do things:

= [(40+1341+((85-60)*45))*0.25]

= [(1381+(25*45))*0.25]

= [(1381+1125)*0.25]

= [2506*0.25]

= 626 bits

Where 1 bit = 1/256 point. So Open Wounds applied to a player by a level 85 Assassin's kick results in 2 114/256 (626/256) life loss per frame, or 61 34/256 (25*626/256) life loss per second. Although OW has an 8 second (200 frame) duration, life isn't lost in the first frame so 486 158/256 (199*626/256) life is lost to a single application.

The Arreat Summit's Open Wounds formulae are essentially the same, but expressed differently (and more clearly). Base life loss in bits for clvl 61-99:

= 40+1341+((clvl-60)*45)

= 1381+(clvl*45)-2700

= (45*clvl)-1319

Then apply any modifiers and round down to the nearest bit, *25/256 for life loss per second or *199/256 for total life loss from a single application. I cannot confirm directly whether the PvP penalty (damage is reduced to 17%) applies as well as the reduction to 1/4 (*0.25), but I doubt it since it isn't technically damage (it's effectively negative Replenish Life), and if it were reduced any further people wouldn't bother using it: 10 90/256 life loss per second or 82 102/256 life loss from a single application? Pfft.


Will Venom affect its duration/effect at all?

Venom only overrides poison length from items: OW and poison damage are both applied separately and simultaneously, so Venom has no effect on OW life loss and length (neither do Fade and Cleansing, for that matter).


I've been told that the Poison damage and duration on Poison facets will mess with Venom's duration.

The only effect that Rainbow Facet Jewels may have on Venom's poison length is to increase it: -% Enemy Poison Resistance effectively applies both Poison Resist -% and Poison Length Reduced by -% to targets that aren't Immune to Poison. Reducing a target to PLR -100% would double poison length, increasing Venom's poison length from 0.4 second (10 frames) to 0.8 second (20 frames).

However, since difficulty level Resist % penalties apply to a player's PLR % as well, -% EPR might not have any effect on poison length (a player in Hell would already be reduced to PLR -100% if no PLR % were equipped).


Does the +% Poison damage from Trang Oul's Claws and 'Bramble' still apply twice? Once when you cast venom, and again when you hit something?

+% Poison Skill Damage is applied to Venom when it is cast; it is also applied to poison attack damage (including that added by Venom) when using a melee attack. However, even though the character screen also displays +% PSD being applied to poison attack damage when using a ranged attack, this isn't the case: you only get the second application when using a melee attack, like a kick.|||Thank you everyone.


Venom only overrides poison length from items: OW and poison damage are both applied separately and simultaneously, so Venom has no effect on OW life loss and length (neither do Fade and Cleansing, for that matter).

If I remember correctly (and probably don't...) I read that Curse length reduction effects like Fade do apply to Open wounds.

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