quick question: i know the superior mod on an item affects its repair cost, but which of the mods on a superior armor (ed% or increased max durability%) increase its repair cost? or do they both do? or maybe one increases the repair cost more than the other?
Appreciate any help here as i dont wanna waste runes on an item thats gonna cost me >1 mil to repair ^^|||It will be the durability modification. In all honesty though, it's not such a cost that you can't cope with it. If you're honestly into gambling, then I would highly suggest building a gold find barbarian. This is a nice one by maareek

For cheapness, go with his original plan and dual wield cleavers

Virgait is right about the durability, but I will disagree that it cannot be more than you can cope with, at least maybe not more than you want to cope with. It also seems to be largely dependent on the runes that go in the item, so an insight isn't going to matter much, but if you get that sup mod on a last wish or doom or enigma it can be rather a pain, at least if you actually use them/get hit a lot.
Hmmmm, wasn't aware of the rune effect. Perhaps that's why I've never had problems, as I don't really use much high rune equipment

It can be somewhat of a problem in armours with increased durability, didn't realise it was a big issue with superior weapons. Probably goes to show I haven't made enough high runeword weapons!
Tch, you FAILURE! Make more eBotD

I've read that sup durability increases the cost a lot more then ED and armors are generally a lot more expensive than weapons. My sup Fort AP with just increase dura costs about 1.5 mil to repair. Luckily the durability is pretty high and rals are common.|||Armour is always more expensive, that's why at the start of a character, I pick up any magic/rare armour and sell it, but don't bother with weapons

And eh, eBotD was a joke

P.S. Just because of your name, you will always have a place in my heart :P|||Staff mods makes for insane repair prices as well. I have a Lawbringer in a sup (+3AR) +2 Holy Shock Divine Scepter. It easily costs a couple of millions to repair.
My fort in a 15ED AP costs ~1.5m to repair.|||And this is why, kids, you do not make items that you need to repair often in superior items. Ofc Ral/Ort usage when repairing items used in PvP is rational, but using, say, GriefZ in a 15ed base in PvE is HIGHLY ILLOGICAL.
Also, like that 15% extra defence makes any difference in PvE
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