[:1]Well, since ladder reset is close..i got a few questions:
what's the value of runes on NL? i mean, on ladder, is something like:
Pul = 3 Lem
Um = 2 Pul
Mal = 2 Um
Ist = 2 Mal
Gul = Ist + Mal
Vex = 3 Ist
Ohm = 6 Ist
Lo = 11 Ist (temporary increase to around 13 - 15 as of 08/08/11)
Sur = 9 Ist (1/2 Ber)
Ber = 18 Ist (17 here)
Jah = 18 Ist
Cham = 4 Ist
Zod = 6 Ist
(took from pirce guide)
And on NL?
And one more, why every1 it's like "i'm leaving the game after reset" or "i give all my stuff and start all over from the beginning when ladder resets"..? Is the NL that bad? lol
(hope it's the right place to post this...if not, i'm really sorry, close or move it please)|||On NL it is easy: Ohm Ber Jah Zod, runes you can use on NL runewords/sockets have the value. Biggest drop is on the value of Lo. Ists are nothing if you don't mf or trade them to pgems.
NL is not bad at all, I prefer it over ladder. Ladder is necessary evil when you want to get some L-only items.|||lol ok...so until reset i should trade all my ists for HRs? ^^|||I'm not sure how it is on Europe, but on USEast nonladder the best HR's are Ber, Jah, Ohm, Vex. Some people consider ist as an hr, but its few and far between. Zod follows behind the main four, Sur, Lo, and Cham aren't regarded very high since you can't make much out of them. I was able to trade one vex for 4 Lo at one point.|||Oh >_> it's very different from ladder...but i think i will start again, in the new ladder, cause the idea of starting from 0 along with all the other players, well i like it :P|||Don't forget alot of dupes so you could trade all your stuff and haveit poof on you.|||If you'd continue NL then you should focus on making Griefs and Fortitudes... and Infinities. They have most demand there. And starting all over from scratch has its appeal but knowing I have everything ready "on the other side" hinders the rush. About poofing, I guess EU isn't that bad cause I've had only one HR poofed in 5 years.|||Well about poofing, if i have HRs it's only to use them for a Runeword ASAP, i can't afford losing a HR :P
And about starting again...the only thing i have left now is MFing..there isnt' any point in reaching 99, at least for me..
Well i'll see, ofc i wont give up everything i made now and start again, i'll probably play both ladder and non|||Do runes (and other things) "poof" when converted from ladder to non-ladder? During last ladder season I had a few HRs disappear on me pretty quickly, however, since I've been playing non-ladder I haven't had any of my HRs (all of which I got in the last few weeks) disappear. Of course, maybe I just happened to get all legit runes in my trades.|||The only items that should poof are the ones that are duped. Otherwise when items are converted from ladder to non ladder they should not disappear. Its possible you could have gotten either very unlucky on ladder or very lucky on non ladder.
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