So after going to council to trigger his might aura i was WTF why does he have a definace aura ??
Now i have had this cute little hireling for several years real time i i think i should have noticed if he wasn't the might merc i thought him to be.
Its like someone hacked my acc and sneakily hired a new merc with the same name mind you but with a different aura.
How could this have happend, im quite confused.|||Don't have an actual answer for you, as for why... but I would recommend making a NM game, dropping all your merc's gear, and re-hiring a new Offensive merc just to be safe.
See if that fixes your aura. If it don't, then I am at a loss on how to help

Whats a good video capture software for d2 as i wouldn't belive this if i didn't see it myself.
I decided to log in to d2 again to see if it where just some strange glitch.
Off to council again this time in hell diff as the first time i tried it it was in normal because of the muling.
I was a little dis-hearted as i saw the blue aura on him and my def go up, well well might as well clear council.
Little did i know i played some pokemon variant of d2 as "Chalan has evolved, Chalan now knows dual aura".
Suddenly might aura triggered as well and he now had the benefit of both defiance and might.
I very well know this sounds totally retarded and i cant ask anyone of you guys here to believe me but i saw it with my own eyes.
So instead of having to give my old trusty friend a pink slip i ended up (at-least for now i have no idea what will happen next game 3 auras or 0) i ended up with Super Merc 2011.
Still kinda boggled *Flaxabiten.
Havent happened again the next two games just his good old might aura, no more super merc it seems maybe i should have killed him on purpose and ressed him to see if it changed anything don't see how it should tho.
I should have googeld a vid capturing software so i could have show you guys the strangest glitch i have ever seen in d2.
*edit 2
I have tried to replicate the dual aura for some time now and no luck.
So either something really strange happend or i did have had the strangest waking hallucinations EVER, i mean if that was the case why couldn't it be something like some good looking Hollywood celeb coming home to me and proclaiming me her private sex god why did it have to be my merc having two auras :/
Well i guess stranger things have buged in d2, wizzy gloves etc pitty it didn't last tho.|||Occam's razor may apply. Do you have exile equipped?
Just have to make sure...|||Quote:
Occam's razor may apply. Do you have exile equipped?
Just have to make sure...
yeah you should ask but no its my orb mf sorc who is the hero of this strange episode.|||Maybe some other player gave him the aura?|||are you sure it's defiance aura not battle orders?|||Now I really don't know what is up, but strangely just a day after I replied to your post, I was killing the Council and noticed a strange aura from my Act2 merc.
I immediately thought of you when I noticed it, and I started second-guessing myself... wondering if I had really correctly chosen Might for my merc. But later that game the Might aura came back, and after reading your new posts I am suddenly wondering if there is something we are missing with regards to being in that area where the Council lays in wait.
I did put some small thought into what it could be, but came up nada. Your guess is as good as mine >.>|||Plz post urs and mercs gear.
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