If you're poor, (like many of us who don't know how to find GG stuff), how do you build wealth?
I've tried pgems, but those typically result in offers of stuff I can't use (aka don't want), or some avg runes.
I have had success when I've collected the odd unique here or there, but haven't been able to parlay that into real wealth.
In other words, how does one accumulate enough to trade for a Fort armor or Faith Bow or Spirit shield ... or god forbid a Torch or Anni?
Am i on the right path collecting 3os (or 4 os) Dusk Shroud, Archon Plates, Mage Plates and/or shields?
Specifically: What stats do I need to look for in socketed armor to have them worth decent currency?
US East, Non-Ladder|||Quote:
how do you build wealth?
Buy cheap ingame, sell expensive on tradeforums.
Buy cheap on tradeforums, sell expensive ingame.
I started many years ago investing my first Pul rune(from forge) trading for a Tal amulet on tradeforums and sold it vs Um ingame. Then I traded for 2 more Tal amulets on forum and sold them ingame. I did this several times, which got me a nice amount of Ums.
I also bought pgs, I filled an entire account of them. And sold them all in one trade for 8times as much, this because ALOT of pgs is more valuable than packs of 30-40.|||I didn't notice the non ladder thingy. I'm not sure how to build wealth on non ladder. Picking up items on non ladder seems obsolete. Maybe do a goldfinder with more MF than usual in order to get the rare drops going. Trading clever seems like the only real option to me.|||If you want to get rich the legit way you have to do tons of mf runs. It takes time to build wealth on nl. The best way to get rich is playing ladder where items are very expensive.|||Key running i'd say.
I mean im a lazy bastard and i guess i rather pay for a 3x3 then collect it my self.
Then after you got a hr or two you can really start to trade as its much easier to actually get some trade leverage when you trade for more expensive items.|||To be honest. I gotta ask why you would even consider making a run in a 10+ years old economy?
I don't think you'll succed in selling anything in non ladder unless it's top of the line items (remember 10+ years kinda sets the bar quite high). I've played for around 5 years and I have probably only found a few items that makes the non ladder cut.|||Quote:
To be honest. I gotta ask why you would even consider making a run in a 10+ years old economy?
I don't think you'll succed in selling anything in non ladder unless it's top of the line items (remember 10+ years kinda sets the bar quite high). I've played for around 5 years and I have probably only found a few items that makes the non ladder cut.
Its still worth doing tons of mf runs on ladder. Its quite simple to get items but still worth the time. First char should be either a full tals sorc or a 125% fcr hdin for doing mf and key runs. Second char should be a cheap uber smiter to farm torches and d clone if your mf char cant do him but some should not have trouble with dc.
To the op: I say overall go for it.|||Minuses OP is non-ladder.
Best way is go ladder you get more runewords that you can build and its easier to get a stash. Best advice is to run nm andy and meph. Nm andy for sojs and nm meph because he drops class items like Hoz which always sells fast. After tha move up to hell andy and meph. Once you can kill them both no problem try the pit and ancient tunnels.|||Quote:
Minuses OP is non-ladder.
Best way is go ladder you get more runewords that you can build and its easier to get a stash. Best advice is to run nm andy and meph. Nm andy for sojs and nm meph because he drops class items like Hoz which always sells fast. After tha move up to hell andy and meph. Once you can kill them both no problem try the pit and ancient tunnels.
I used to run Andy, Tower and Meph on NM until I got rushed through a Baal game and was given the quest before I could leave party. Now I'm stuck in Hell (literally) and desperately need goods or currency to get better "stuff".
Currently Using a Cold Sorc (Bliz/chain light)
What I did find that works well in the runs (all via party), are hell runs for Chaos and Baal. Unfortunately in a party it's nearly impossible to get the good stuff unless you're quick (I'm not) or know the people you're running with and they divvy up the goodies.
I find that cubing pgems is working for me now. Along with the occasional "Bring xxx Now" games that I jump into and deliver a stashed item (Magefist, treks, trang gloves, mid rune) for a decent rune (Ist, Mal, Um...) because someone richer than I overpaid for a "needed" item for their build.
Pgems have netted 3-4 mals, a couple Ist's, a Vex and even a Jah. Usually it takes 40 gems, but I netted the Jah with 8 pammy and 6 rubies. (Right place right time).
So quite honestly, the only decent stuff I've been able to trade for have come from pgems. I did get a very nice trade from a couple members here on the forum who had "extra" stuff for my junk.
But building wealth is a long and tedious process.
BTW - about pgems, you can craft 3 or 4 soc armor (Mage plate, Archon plate or dusk shrouds) with decent stats and get a fairly decent return. I was able to trade a 248(or 9) Mage plate for an Ist. I got the Tals ammy for another armor. (Tals ammy completed my Tals set, so I live now on the runs)
It seems that I have to find armor above 250 Mage to have it worth anything.
For Archon, it needs to be above 450, and same for Dusk.
So to my original question:
From all of the helpful tips here, and my own findings via trial and error, it seems that building wealth on non-ladder is very hard unless you catch a break.
One way to get there is to just cube up gems and trade them to crafters or re-rollers for something better. Then use that to trade up again.
Another way is to collect runes and package them for something you need, (or a better rune).
and third, it appears that cubing essences into Tokens nets you a good rune more often than not.
Speaking of luck... on my hell tower run last night I netted an Ohm whilst wandering around the Black Marsh looking for the tower. Had to be one of my best rune drops, and it wasn't even planned.

So to my original question:
From all of the helpful tips here, and my own findings via trial and error, it seems that building wealth on non-ladder is very hard unless you catch a break.
One way to get there is to just cube up gems and trade them to crafters or re-rollers for something better. Then use that to trade up again.
Another way is to collect runes and package them for something you need, (or a better rune).
and third, it appears that cubing essences into Tokens nets you a good rune more often than not.
Speaking of luck... on my hell tower run last night I netted an Ohm whilst wandering around the Black Marsh looking for the tower. Had to be one of my best rune drops, and it wasn't even planned.

Let me just say from my personal experience, ever since I started up again, I have been playing exclusively Non-ladder mainly because some of my characters were luckily found and I didn't want to have to start all over again, mostly on the USEast Servers (occasionaly West and Europe). Seriously I have one ladder character who is lvl 25 and he hasn't moved an inch in at least a month. Non ladder accumulation of wealth is pretty much luck of the draw and the fastest one too it. After restarting, my magic find runs have been limited to when I either rush others or just really feel like grinding meph for some reason, otherwise its all chaos/baal runs.
Trading situations are probably best described as follows:
People willing to overpay, giving an hr to the first person who brings what they want, (sometimes dependent on stats)
Socketed items, or very specific runeword requests... A 4 socketed monarch has netted me an hr twice now, 4/3 socket armors about the same. People looking for off the wall base runewords usually net more (ex. full plate mail enigma) but are hard to come by
Pgems luck, you will find games of people trading various uniques for these, but I have had more luck on these forums in terms of pgem trading than in games.
Specific high runes, some people will pay 1 hr and another decent rune (ist/mal) for a specific different HR. Yesterday picked up 4 Lo for a vex, (not many people really look for Los but they served my purpose), you get the idea
Tokens...great to get you started, essences are easy to come by (except yellow for some reason) and bots rarely if ever pick them up. Standard rate is 2 tokens for an hr, but I never trade them unless I get a 1:1 ratio and that usually happens fairly often.
P.S. if you ever want someone to do some runs with you can always give me a whisper *pyrotechnician or *pyrotechnician2
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