I had my lvl 95 FireWall sorc geared up with Culwens Point, Sigons Shield and Heavenly Garb as an unusual green item dropped in the Bloody Foothills : A claw!
Natalyas Mark kickstarted my trade frenzy as i traded it for 24 SoJ's
The 24 SoJ's were traded for a BER and an OHM

In the first month LoD came out and everyone was expolting the new Act V with the new monsters and items (and runes)
I had my lvl 95 FireWall sorc geared up with Culwens Point, Sigons Shield and Heavenly Garb as an unusual green item dropped in the Bloody Foothills : A claw!
Natalyas Mark kickstarted my trade frenzy as i traded it for 24 SoJ's
The 24 SoJ's were traded for a BER and an OHM

I love old stories

There's nothing that beats the old soj currency

I had a friend who decided to quit and passed me a windforce amongst other items. I traded the bow and some other items to get my hands on a 1.08 shako and a 1.08 valor. My barb had a gg life pool

Shako baba ftw!|||Not too long ago I traded away my 1.08 Chromatic Ire, still regret it.
(not the GZ stats but a nice item to show off)|||Quote:
Not too long ago I traded away my 1.08 Chromatic Ire, still regret it.
(not the GZ stats but a nice item to show off)
Yeah, 1.08 items are pretty seckcy no matter the stats. What are the stats on the Chromatic Ire btw?|||It were a 20 life/17 mana SC and a jeweler's phase blade of quickness which made me rich enough to fund the gear of all my characters. I found the SC somewhere in hell mode when playing an untwinked paladin and the PB was dropped by Baal, after I beefed up that character with gear bought from the charm. I sold the PB for cheap (60-70 Ists worth of runes IIRC), but I'm still paying my bills from that

Don't count on finding items of such a rarity, I was just very lucky. However, there are enough other items which are worth a handful of Ist runes and not all of them can be found in hell mode only.
As said, the mentioned Gull dagger was the foundation of it all. Not because I sold it, but because I used it in Andy+Meph runs with my meteorb sorc.|||Quote:
... Gull dagger was the foundation of it all....
...so it wasn't a Gull ring after all

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