This thread merely serves as a place to gather all the information that has already been compiled in the Statistics Forum FAQ (credit to Psychic Watch for starting up that thread and to all those who submitted) and other places and bring it into one place and one organized top post, where it can be modified easily by a moderator, without having to make reposts of the original thread or post in the that thread.
Until the statitics moderator has completed the transition of the current uptodate data, please regard the Statistics Form FAQ as the current uptodate thread. There will also be references to the FAQ.
Document status:
- 18th, June 2007: Currently this thread is a draft. Layout is not fixed. Lot of information from the original thread, not referenced yet.
- Updates from Orphan
- Item stats: Addition from Lorven
- 22th, June 2007: Started with reformatting and adding new information.
For those who want to submit information to the open spots:
- Please only include links to the section you want to supply information to. Quote the section and add information links below
- Only include information that from sites that can be quoted from according to forum rules. Links to competing sites are NOT allowed. If you still think the submission is important and valid, ask the original poster, if you are allowed to make a repost here, with given credit (again without links to the forum, author and site can be mentioned).
- Your submitted information is subject to review. Please verify the eligibility of your information before you post, otherwise mention the state of your information and also ask for verification. There are very knowledgable people in this forum who can verify submitted information.
- Should you discover wrong information, please make a post and note the section. Don't forget to supply the correct information, otherwise your post will be disregarded.
- Keep this thread civil. No OT here, just facts.
- Comments on the state of this document are welcome here and in PMs.
- This is a work in progress. Modified date will be published.
- Item Generation Tutorial for Patch 1.11 (Warrior of Light)
- Electric Blue’s Guide to Testing & Balance, need thoughts and inputs (electricblue)
- Absorb
- Mechanics
- Affix
- Level
- Calculator
- Odds
- Amulets and Rings
Unique Amulets Qlvl Rarity Set Amulets Qlvl Rarity
Nokozan Relic 14 20 Civerb's Icon 13 7
Eye of Etlich 20 5 Cathan's Sigil 15 7
Mahim-Oak Curio 34 5 Angelic Wings 17 7
Saracen's Chance 53 10 Vidala's Snare 19 7
The Cat's Eye 58 5 Arcanna's sign 20 1
Rising Sun 58 5 Iratha's Collar 21 7
Crescent Moon 58 5 Tal Rasha's Adj. 26 1
Atma's Scarab 60 5 Tancred's Weird 27 7
Highlord's Wrath 73 5 Telling of Beads 39 1
Mara's Caleidoscope 80 5 Total: 39+ 44
Seraph's Hymn 73 3
Metalgrid 85 2
Total: 85+ 75
Unique Rings Qlvl Rarity Set Rings Qlvl Rarity
Nagelring 10 15 Cathan's Seal 15 7
Manald Heal 20 15 Angelic Halo 17 3
Stone of Jordan 39 1 Total: 17+ 10
Dwarf Star 53 10
Raven Frost 53 10
Bul Kathos' WB 66 1
Carrion Wind 68 3
Nature's Peace 77 3
Wisp Projector 84 1
Total: 84+ 59
- AnimationSpeed
- Area Levels
- (Final) Area Listing
- MF Area-Levellist 85+/84/83/82
- Area Maps
- Attack Rating
- Correct formula order for equipment
- Base
- Auras
- Combined effects (cf. Dream)
- Berserk
- Blinds Target
- See Hit Blinds Target
- Blocking
- Bosses
- Act
- Unique
- Bow speed
- Breakpoints
- Bugs
- The Bug List
- Bug vs. Feature
- Calculators
- Caps/Limits
- Cast
- Cast animation/launch
- Casting speed
- Cast rate
- Chance
- Chance of Potion Double Heal (see Potions)
- Chance to Block (see Blocking)
- Chance to Cast
- Chance to cause Knockback (see Knockback)
- Chance to Freeze (see Freeze)
- Chance to Hit (see To Hit)
- Chance to Pierce (see Pierce)
- Champions, Champs
- Charge (Paladin skill)
- Charges
- Synergy bug (no longer exists, kudos: Orphan)
- Levels
- Charms
- Kronos' A Guide to Charms in 1.10, updated by Corax
- Chest/Chests
- Chest drops in alvl 85 areas
- Sparkly chests explanation
- Super chests/Superchests explanation
- Serdash on runes from chests
- Odds for unique, set, rare, magic, normal, gold, no drop
- Chill duration/effect
- Classic
- Build guides and FAQ; Affixes in Classic
- Area levels in Classic
- Clvl (see also Crafting)
- Best area for clvl/experience (see Experience; Leveling)
- Cold effect
- Monster values in monstats.txt
- Cold Mastery
- Explanation of why level 17 is often preferred
- Color Code
- Command-Line Options
- Conviction
- Countess (see also Runes; Runewords)
- Countess rune drops
- Guide to Running the Countess (more detailed)
- Crafting
- Clvl requirement for crafted items
- Crafted items
- Critical Strike
- Crushing Blow
- Cube
- Cubing
- Curse
- Monster skill levels
- Shrines as
- Damage (see also Berserk; Vengeance Damage)
- Weapon Damage
- Ethereal Weapon Damage
- The weapon damage calc isn't 100% accurate (well, total damage anyway). It doesn't take into account a situation like strafe + deadly strike. Also, it doesn't factor in elemental damage. (kudos: Orphan)
- Damage to Mana
- Damage Modification
- Damage Reduced by
- Damage Order
- Deadly Strike
- Defense (see also Ignore Target Defense)
- Base Defense Rating
- Diminishing Returns
- Double Heal (see Potions)
- Drop Probability
- No drop
- Calculators/accuracy
- Enchant
- Fire mastery * 2
- Energy Shield
- Soepgroente's explanation
- Enhanced Damage (see Damage)
- Enhanced Defense
- Ethereal (see also Damage)
- Chances
- Effects
- Bugs
- Experience
- Faster Block Rate (FBR) (see Breakpoints)
- Faster Cast Rate (FCR) (see Breakpoints)
- Fend
- Bug?
- Faster Hit Recovery (FHR) (see Breakpoints)
- Fire Enchanted (FE)
- Bug
- Explosion
- Formulae
- Code files
- Sources
- Frames
- Frames per second (FPS)
- 256
- Freeze
- Forge (see Hellforge)
- Faster Run/Walk (FRW)
- Gambling
- Gems
- Grand Charms
- Hellforge (see also Runes; Runewords)
- Hidden stats
- Skeleton damage
- Unlisted skill/synergy effects
- Hireling (see Mercenary)
- Hit Blinds Target
- Hit Causes Monster to Flee
- How far / Reach
- Duration
- Hit Recovery
- Horadric Cube
- Increased Attack Speed (IAS)
- Ignore Target Defense
- Ilvl
- Output from cube recipes
- Imbue, imbuing
- Immune
- Breaking immunities
- Immunity to Amp Damage
- Immunities by level/monster
- Percentage of immunes in game
- Items
- Item Alteration In-Game
- Uzziah's guide
- Item Generation
- Item Stats
- Item Bonus (Squigi)
- Order in which the game checks for stats to pick up items
- Item Alteration In-Game
- Jewels
- Knockback
- Large Charms
- Leech
- Drain
- Levels
- post #7 of
- alvl
- clvl
- mlvl
- plvl
- qlvl
- rlvl
- slvl, max, calc
- Area Levels
- Level 85 areas
- Chart
- Leveling guide Guide
- +max, Battle Orders, vitality
- see also Replenish Life
Lightning Enchanted, LE
- sparks carrying cold/fire damage
Lying Character Screen
- specific wrong info
Magic Damage
Magic Damage Reduced
- Fire Wall etc.
Magic Find, MF
- MF Diminishing Returns Formulae
--- Formulae
- odds for unique/set/rare/magic
- equipment
Magic Level
Mana Regeneration
- Regeneration
- see also Potions
Maximum Mana Potential
- Potential
Mephisto Maps
- Maps
- Frames
- Immunes
- Resists
- Damage
Monster Damage increase per player count
Off-weapon damage
Open Wounds
- Wounds
Physical Resist
- global
- table, 6 times max
--- post #3 of
- effect of party on experience
- /players X
- HP and experience multipliers
- poison length reduced
- Calculating Poison Damage
- Double Heal
- thawing/antidote multiple bonus
Prevent Monster Heal
- how long: until char returns to town
- doesn't work on mercs
- Chance to cast
- See levels
Quest drops
Quest Rewards
- ilvl
Replenish Life
- Life
- drain life
Rings and Amulets
- See Amulets
- similar to immune list
- spectral hit/magic resistant
- finding (Urlik's Rune Finder's guide)
- see also Countess; Hellforge
Runewords, Rune Words
Set Items
- qlvl
- slows target by
- Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Sockets
- Sockets, by number and ilvl
- see Stone of Jordan
Skill Levels
Skill tabs
- merc effects
Small Charms
- which effects work
StatsBonus (damage multipliers)
Stone of Jordan
- Stone of Jordan Magic Find FAQ by Igor Potapov
Switch (weapon)
- which effects stay
Treasure Class
Treasure Classes 1.10
To Hit
- to hit
Unique Items
Upgrade, upped
- ethereal bug
--- See the bug's list (bugs)
- lower stats
--- See the bug's list (bugs)
Vengeance Damage
- Battle Orders/+max
Walking/Running Speed
- Speed
Weapon Damage
- see Damage
Weapon Speed
- Act2 Merc IAS Tables
Yards by Resolution
- by Resolution
1.06, 1.07, 1.08, 1.09, 1.10|||librarians FAQtoids
Keyword List
Absorb: Mechanics
Achmel: Graphics Bug
Affix: Calc1 | Calc2
AnimationSpeed: Mechanics
Area Levels: Area Listing | MF Area-Levellist
Area Maps: Map Guide | AS
Appearance: Armor
Attack Rating: Base | Chance to Hit
Auras: Dual Dream | Ideas
Blocking: Chance to Block
Breakpoints: General | Amazon | Assassin | Barbarian | Druid | Necromancer1 2 | Paladin | Sorceress
Calculators: AB | BB | inD | Shopping | Necro pets | Gamble upgrade | WereformIAS
Chance of Potion Double Heal: Formula
Chance to Block: Formula
Chance to Cast: Mechanics | Items
Chance to cause Knockback: Formula
Chance to Freeze: Formula
Chance to Hit: Formula
Charge: Paladin skill
Charges: Items1 2
Charms: Guide | Skins
Chests: Sparkly | Super | Runedrops
Classic: Build guides and FAQ
Character Level (Clvl): Item Creation
Countess: Countess rune drops|Guide to Running the Countess
Crafting: FAQ | Recipes | ZonGloves
Crushing Blow: Wiki
Cube: Recipes | Eth-bug
Curse: Monster skill levels
Damage: Ethereal Weapon
Damage to Mana: Guide
Defense: Base
Drop Probability: No drop | Calc
Enchant: Mechanics
Energy Shield: Mechanics | BuildGuide
Ethereal: Chances | Eth-bug
Faster Block Rate (FBR): Table
Faster Cast Rate (FCR): Table
Fend: Bug
Faster Hit Recovery (FHR): Table
Fire Enchanted (FE): Bug
Freeze: Chance
Faster Run/Walk (FRW): Formula
Gambling: Gamble upgrade
Hellforge: Rune drops
Hidden stats: Fade
Hit Blinds Target: Mechanics
Horadric Cube: Recipes | Eth-bug
Increased Attack Speed (IAS): See Breakpoints
Ignore Target Defense: Mechanics
Imbue, imbuing: Mechanics
Immune: Guide | Excel
Items: Uzziah's guide | By Mods | Skillgranting | pickup order
Knockback: Chance to cause Knockback
Large Charms:
Leech: Drain
Levels: alvl | clvl | mlvl | plvl | qlvl | rlvl | slvl, max, calc | Area Levels | Level 85 areas
Leveling: Chart | Leveling guide
Life: +max | Battle Orders | vitality | Replenish Life
Lightning Enchanted: MSLEB | sparks carrying cold/fire damage
Lying Character Screen: specific wrong info
Magic Damage:
Magic Damage Reduced: Fire Wall etc.
Magic Find: MF Diminishing Returns Formulae | odds for unique/set/rare/magic | equipment
Magic Level:
Mana Regeneration: see also Potions
Maximum Mana Potential:
Mephisto Maps:
Monster: Stats(de) | Frames | Immunes | Resists | Damage | Monster Damage increase per player count
Off-weapon damage:
Open Wounds:
Physical Resist: global
Pierce: table, 6 times max
Players: effect of party on experience | /players X | HP and experience multipliers
Poison: poison length reduced | Calculating Poison Damage
Potions: Double Heal | thawing/antidote multiple bonus
Prevent Monster Heal: until char returns to town | doesn't work on mercs
Proc'ing: Chance to cast
Qlvl: See levels
Quest drops:
Quest Rewards: ilvl
Radius: Radius Image
Range: Melee Range Image
Replenish Life: Effect | drain life
Rings and Amulets: See Amulets
Resistance: similar to immune list | spectral hit/magic resistant | Run/Walk
Staffmods: Staffmod tiers
Runes: Urlik's Rune Finder's guide | see also Countess | Hellforge
Set Items: qlvl
Slow: slows target by
Sockets: Wiki |
Smite: which effects work
Stat Bonus: damage multipliers
Stone of Jordan:
Switch (weapon switch): which effects stay
Treasure Class: groups | Treasure Classes 1.10 | A guide
Unique Items:
Upgrade, upped: ethereal bug | lower stats
Vengeance Damage:
Vitality: Battle Orders/+max
Walking/Running Speed:
Weapon Damage: see damage
Weapon Speed: Act2 Merc IAS Tables
Yards by Resolution: Screen size
Zeal: |||Here's a good one. I don't think there's a section for this one already, the closest would probably be Item stats.
Up to you if you want it there, or make a new one for it, nevertheless I think this list is just awesome for browsing items containing a specific mod.
Squigi's Item Bonus Document
It doesn't contain *ALL* mods, but still a lot of them. It is dated 2004, so anything after that is of course not in it.
Page 2 also contains some adds.
Keep up the good work, Meli!|||Staffmod tiers
Weapon speed calculator
Skill calculator
Shopping calculator
Necromancer pet calculator
Armor appearance (not really statistics, but IMO it belongs to here)
Gamble upgrade calculator (unfortunately in German only, change link if an English version exists)|||Great,
About the skill calculator on diablo2ingame. I am rather sure that that skill calculator was inconsistent and wrong in some places. Just thinking of the calculation of some sorceress skills, as i remember. I will check and have a look. All the other items i will add.
For the next week i will ponder about how to harness the information in this thread. There are other plans as to what will be done with all this information as well.|||adeyke's weapon calc & armor calc
Wereform attack speed and more
librarians FAQtoids
Monster stats (german)|||Quote:
adeyke's weapon calc & armor calc
Wereform attack speed and more
librarians FAQtoids
Monster stats (german)
Will be adding your contribution and krischan's this evening. Thanks for keeping it coming

Also, another link for the area levels: (post 6)|||Quote:
Necromancer pet calculator
That calc has been more or less proven wrong with regards to hit points.
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