I'm building some kind of teleporting Javazon. She's almost perfect, but I really need a special ring to complete her.
The ring needs to have mana leech and FCR.
6%ml and 10%FCR would be the highest possible on magic and rare rings. I don't know about craft ones but I assume it's the same. But thing is, on what kind of rings it is easier or even possible to spawn on?
Both are suffixes if my research are right, so can a ring spawns with 2 suffixes? What about rare and craft?
Thanks for any input over my item.
And if you ever have one in ESCNL I would greatly buy it from you

So just to be sure, magic rings can't have 2 sufixes so no magic rings will get both.
I'll continue to look after rare rings and crafthing once in a while then

I'll get it one day ...

Thanks very much guys

So just to be sure, magic rings can't have 2 sufixes so no magic rings will get both.
Correct. Magic items have 25% chance to spawn with prefix, 25% chance with prefix and suffix, 50% with suffix only.|||Oki

I'll stop for sure collecting magic rings xD'
I hope I can find it soon, that weird ring u.u|||i have several rings but they are life leech :/|||Yes, when I found a FCR ring, it is always a life leech one. Mana leech is extremely rare for me to get, must be baaaaaaaaad luck 8)|||A blood craft of mine:
Eagle Knot
Required Level: 68
Item Version: 1.10+ Expansion
Item Level: 82
Fingerprint: 0x7c2cfccd
+2 to Strength
+12 to Life
+17 to Maximum Stamina
7% Life stolen per hit
4% Mana stolen per hit
10% Faster Cast Rate

(Stupid Stamina mod)|||Oh, that one would have been nice

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