As we all know, putting a 40ed +15max dam jewel into something that is not a weapon means that the 40ed only applies to the high end damage, thus is not very good.
A +30 max damage jewel would add a lot of damage, of course.
How about a rare jewel with stats like 30% ed +7 min +18 max damage though? Would the 'bug' still apply to this? And would it give a zealer more damage than just using a +30 max damage jewel or +40% ed jewel?
Any input or better suggestions for jewels is greatly appreciated! I am looking for it to be an alternative to a Stormshield socketed with Cham so I dont need +str or +dex adds as I want to be able to switch between them.|||-req/15@res
there's a ton of threads in this forum about it if you just search for something like "jewel bug"|||I dont need -req and I dont need @res, just more damage.
Ill have another look for previous threads then, but its not easy finding reliable information...
*Edit* After looking at a number of different topics, I have found a range of conflicting information...
One relevant thing I found was:
""Case 9: You socket an item with a %ED/Min/Max Jewel. The %ED applies to neither."
Can anyone tell me if this 100% true or not?|||Afaik the post that quote is from is correct. From what I've gathered it should read "The %ED applies to neither and is not added to other off-weapon and skill %ED."|||put a freaking eld in it then.|||Quote:
Afaik the post that quote is from is correct. From what I've gathered it should read "The %ED applies to neither and is not added to other off-weapon and skill %ED."
Ok man, thanks for the info. So I guess a +30 max jewel would probably be my best option then?
put a freaking eld in it then.
Yes, because that will give me plenty more damage.

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