one will be raven frost of course. the other one - bul-khatos or soj? i'd like to hear your opinions.|||Dual leech (pref high mana) with whatever else you like.|||but if i had to choose between these 2?|||It honestly depends on your situation. The quick and easy answer is what do you run out of more often, mana or life? If your blue bulb is always empty go with SoJ. If you're constantly picking your corpse up in town then BK is better. If you don't have issues with either one and like shiny things go with a magic find ring. If you're not a mf'er you could even run dual Ravenfrosts to benefit from the extra Dexterity which means more points for Vitality and the AR which means you'll hit slightly more often.|||I'd say go with the BK, I don't think mana should be an issue provided that you have some form of mana leech elsewhere. Even then, chugging a blue pot every now and then isn't that bad compared to the extra survivability provided by BK.|||If you are running with an Insight merc then mana should not be an issue. If you don't then a little bit of mana leech just won't cut it. My ideal setup for your build would be an Insight Prayer merc, then you can put pretty much anything in that other ring slot. I think I would go with the BK though, unless you really don't have enough mana. Leech on an avenger is pretty worthless, you are going to likely be doing much less than 1k physical damage, which in Hell does not leech enough to save your skin.|||I would take a SoJ then because it's worth more and I can trade it for a nice dual leech ring

If you insist on using one of the two: BK ring, as it has 3-5%LL with +life. Its +skills is not needed for your character and you could as well use a random LL ring which is usually not even worth picking up, but (no offense meant) dumb question, dumb answer

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