my holy freeze merc with shaft and gaze keeps dieng at meph(even if i feed him with superpots)
im a blizzboller mf sorc with +9 to all skills so im a bit slow at killing him
what he needs?

What other targets do you MF? If you're just doing meph you can try going without a merc and using the moat trick.|||i do andie meph + pindl and so on
i dont like the moat trick
life leach doesnt work on him no?
i do use insight
thats it
btw should try prayer ty for advice|||Changing armour to Fortitude for more damage (more lifeleach)
or Treachery for higher speed (more life leach per s) and fade|||life leach works on meph?|||Two ways you can go:
Offense: kill meph before your merc get toasted
Defense: Get your merc sturdy enough to survive
For an offensive setup something like Obedience, Treachery and Guillame's Face is cheap. For max killspeed a barb wielding Last Wish is probably the best bet.
For a defensive setup Reaper's + Gladiator's Bane + Vampire Gaze is great. Socket with Um (or Ber). 2xBer'd Crown of Ages is of course even better

Another option could be Reaper's + Treachery + Gaze. You'll trigger decrep faster and Gaze will provide you extra safety.
I did 1k meph runs recently with the offensive setup using a pure blizz sorc. Worked fine, but the blizz sorc is also pure pain to meph.
If your merc is low level you might level him in the pindlegarden or AT.
And no: You cannot leech off meph.|||yea thats why asked about the ll

txf for advices! though all options are quite expencive for me=\
=)|||The offensive way is the cheapest: Obedience cost a Fal and for only running meph (i.e. no leech) you could assemble it in an fast polearm. No need for it to be elite and eth then. Treachery costs a Lem and works in any armor. For a helm you could go with a 3xSol helm to add some safety.
That would be my suggestions for a meph runner on a budget.|||txs a lot mate
i think i should go pure blizz and see what happens
will it work for andie also?|||Not mentioned up to now is my personal favourite 'cheap' option:
Eth Guardian Angel Upg!
Socket it with Um, combine with an Obedience weap and an Andy's helm socketed with Ral and then your merc has +90 all resistances, very high def, high damage and leech. Everything he needs!
In particular with this set up the +95 poison resistance is funny, always makes me chuckle. Bring it on!
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