so anyway i just beat andy by having my oak sage tank it while i put fissure under them. it never even took any damage except from a random dark shaman firebolt.
any ideas? i'm guessing it's immune to poison but that doesn't explain why her melee doesn't kill it.|||It is poison immune. You can check this by hovering your mouse over it while you have the unsummon skill selected. I think the Oak Sage is also physical immune in Nightmare, but don't quote me on that. ^^
EDIT: according to the German skill planner, its stats are as followed:
In Normal:
Mana cost: 15
Radius: 20 Yards
Party Hit Points: +30%
Hit Points: 72 - 83 (�78) (including party bonus)
Defense: 643
Poison resist: 100%
Resist lightning/cold/fire: 25%
Resist magic damage: 25%
Physical resistance: 0%
In Nightmare:
Mana cost: 15
Radius: 20 Yards
Party Hit Points: +30%
Hit Points: 72 - 83 (�78) (including party bonus)
Defense: 1333
Poison resist: 100%
Resist lightning/cold/fire: 25%
Resist magic damage: 25%
Physical resistance: 100%
In Hell:
Mana cost: 15|||Weird, so it became phys immune once i got to nightmare. Guess it'll be an awesome tank until i get to hell...|||Quote:
Radius: 20 Yards
Party Hit Points: +30%
Hit Points: 72 - 83 (�78) (including party bonus)
Defense: 1937
Poison resist: 100%
Resist lightning/cold/fire: 25%
Resist magic damage: 25%
Physical resistance: 0%
You can check this by hovering your mouse over it while you have the unsummon skill selected.
It seems that I've learned something new

It seems that I've learned something new

Me too!
That 100% physical resistance in Nightmare is kind of strange...|||That's very strange, almost seems like a Blizzard oops to me.|||That is so weird when it is only 100% physical resistance in nightmare. Thanks for the information. This is very interesting.|||Quote:
It seems that I've learned something new

This works with other abilities too-- like holy bolt. I remember now i had a cleric and i could see the oak sage's poison immunity. I didn't know it worked with unsummon though and i also apparently never encountered an oak sage on NM difficulty on my cleric as I don't remember it being immune to physical.
one thing i noticed: if you hit an oak sage with salvation aura strong enough it becomes immune to all elements.
but suppose you had a paladin with HOTO and salvation aura on nightmare difficulty-- any oak sage he summoned would be totally indestructible except from the odd magic damage mob. :P (or something with conviction aura could kill it also)
almost makes me want to host a Nightmare game on bnet called "Duel my oak sage"|||enchant too, iirc.
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