it had other mods, but the 2 i liked best were "2 to all pally skills, 20% FCR" and had like other res mods but i didnt care too much about that.
So how would i go about crafting this ammy?
and what are the best means to get crafting supplies?
i have a lvl 91 hammerdin with 18k hammer dmg and can solo everything except ubers (which dont drop ammy's anyways (i dont think atleast)|||You need three things:
1.Level 93 character to gamble the amus.
2.Gold for the gamble;perf ammethysts, rals, jewels for the recipe. If u play single p7 Lower Kurast special chests drop tons of these.

Good luck!|||as mentioned, best bet is to gamble then craft ammys with a lvl93+ character.
that way, every ammy will have a shot at +2 skills.
be warned, it may take you a while before you get the supa-mega-omfg ammy you're after.
there's a reason +2/20fcr ammys are expensive.|||You don't need a level 93+ character to gamble, you can gamble +2 skill amulets at level 87 or higher--just keep the ones that are +2 skill (class skill, not a single talent tree) and use those to craft. The Ral runes and perfect amethysts tends to be the bottleneck anyway.
As mentioned already, expect to do hundreds of crafts without even getting close to a +2/20fcr amulet.|||Quote:
just keep the ones that are +2 skill (class skill, not a single talent tree) and use those to craft.
A gamble that spawns +2 class skills is indeed item level 90 or higher. But if it is "just" item level 90, you will need a level 90+ character to do the crafting in order to have a chance at +2 class skills.|||Quote:
A gamble that spawns +2 class skills is indeed item level 90 or higher. But if it is "just" item level 90, you will need a level 90+ character to do the crafting in order to have a chance at +2 class skills.
That's actually very nice to know...
Crafting would be such a bear anyways, and time consuming. I think I'd rather gamble occasionally and find a few +2skills bases to use, and then continue gathering the other mats... then I would leveling from 90 to 93 =p
I am sure it would only take a day or two, but Baal runs get so mind-numbing :O|||the level 93 thing is to set the item level from gambling as well as the crafting itself.
half of the crafted item level comes from the base item and half from the skill in crafting.
Therefore it is essentially -
50% of your char level
50% of the item level
To get +2 skills, you need a final crafting level of 90.
Gambling can give you item levels of +/- 5 levels of your character. Therefore in a worst case scenario, a level 93 could gamble a level 88 item. It would mean that your final craft level = 44 + 46 (=93/2 rounded down). This equals 90. This is why people suggest 93 is the best.
However, at level 92, 90% of your amulets will be enough.
Therefore you could theoretically ask someone who has a level 93+++ character to buy lots of ammies for you and you can use those to craft successfully.
hope this helps
guface|||Are there any downsides to gambling/crafting with a character higher than level 93? For example, if I were to gamble and then craft an amulet with a level 95 character, would it be less likely to get certain desirable mods than if I had done it with a level 93 character? Would there be a larger selection of sucky affixes at that level?|||Quote:
Are there any downsides to gambling/crafting with a character higher than level 93? For example, if I were to gamble and then craft an amulet with a level 95 character, would it be less likely to get certain desirable mods than if I had done it with a level 93 character? Would there be a larger selection of sucky affixes at that level?
No the are no higher level affixes on amulets.
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