I'm making a dreamadin, and I already got a dream shield (sacred rondache)
I got the runes, I just don't know which helm I should put them in :P
Wondering which has the best resale value, and if I should get a semi-high def helm (I need str for the shield anyways) or a low one, might be more useful for other classes? i.e. better resale value when I get tired of the build

I'm lost, any advice is appreciated

p.s. sorry if this is the wrong forum, I just couldn't figure out where to post this.|||Diadem is the most popular choice as it looks cool on all characters.
Def is the most worthless stat in D2, so don't bother getting high def as it means high str required.
If you can't find a diadem you could use tiara, the others circlets are only 2os.|||Quote:
Diadem is the most popular choice as it looks cool on all characters.
Def is the most worthless stat in D2, so don't bother getting high def as it means high str required.
If you can't find a diadem you could use tiara, the others circlets are only 2os.
Okay, that makes sense.|||Quote:
Diadem is the most popular choice as it looks cool on all characters.
Def is the most worthless stat in D2, so don't bother getting high def as it means high str required.
If you can't find a diadem you could use tiara, the others circlets are only 2os.
if defense is the most worthless stat, why does everyone insist on using archons, dusks, and other elite armors? i know a lot of people use breast and mage plates, but if defense was really useless, no one would use elites even though they are low(ish) str req. there are many builds that rely on defense, too many to say it's worthless.
besides bone visage looks way cooler than diadem

No defense is not the MOST worthless stat, that was an exaggeration I suppose. But the difference in defense is only 50-100 points, which unless you have some massive enhanced defense is pretty worthless. Now a eBugged fort with 4k defense or a eBugged Vortex shield can make a big difference. People put stuff in high Def armor because it is better, but they don't always think about weather they would rather dump those extra 50-100 str points into Vit instead.
The reality is that the Bnet and the SP mentality are vastly different, but I'm sure you already knew that.

Just pick what you like best...
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