Saturday, April 14, 2012

Cap on poison damage?

[:1]Trying to ressurect an old build from many years ago. don't remember all the details, unfortunately. it is a poison javazon, just curious if there is a max pois/sec, or can I get some massive numbers?|||Okay, now i have a few things in order, though I do not know much of the game mechanics, or how it does its calculations. A few questions here, may have been better suited to a different thread, but i'm going to post here instead of cluttering these forums.

1. What equations is defence involved in? what role does it play? Does it reduce damage, or does it increase the chance of deflecting all damage, etc?

2. what equations are resistances involved in? same as above, does it reduce the damage recieved, etc...

3. How does poison work? what checks are in place to determine the final damage dealt by poison?

let's make an example here. If I were to have a few mods for poison damage. the first one would be 50 dmg/5sec. Does this produce a steady rate of damage of 10 dmg/sec? i know there are other modifiers, which will affect this, but what is the number of poison damage injected into the equations for the final damage dealt?

if i had another charm of 100 dmg/10sec. (another 10dmg/sec to keep it simple) will it apply 20 dmg/sec for the first 5sec and then the remaining go back to 10dmg?

Basically, to what extent do these mods stack, and how much of it is able to stack?

I have many questions, but to get rid of confusion, i'll not ask until i know a bit more about the basics.|||1.


3. there is a sticky poison thread on the forum which i'm too lazy to find, sorry for that.

Poisoned character loses hps over time (surprise). Poisoned characted would have 2 characteristics: rate at which he loses hps and remaining time (length), simply enough. Rate is something like hps/seconds or bits/frame (256bit=1hp and 25frames=1second, but im unsure about this). At rate 256 he will lose 1 hp each frame or 25hp every second.

Whenever character is going to become poisoned (is being hit for example), game checks its poison resist, decrease poison length equipment and if it was already poison too. If the rate of ongoing poison attack (with resistances calculated) is lower than of existing poisoning, it doesnt apply. If equal or higher, it reapplies.

You should probably learn to see poison sources as "X rate for Y seconds" instead of "total damage per seconds" because the overall length doesnt matter in most cases.

Rates of all poison sources is summed, duration is calculated in very complicated way.

If you have 50/5 and 100/10 charms, you will have something like 20dmg/sec poison output with unknown duration (7.5 seconds if you have only those 2 and no other poison sources).|||So, from what I see, AR/Def has no say on whether i will apply poison, or how much damage my poison will do.

Seems as if rate and frames are calculated separately, so i can cast something with a long duration, and then cast something with a high rate, and the rate will overwrite the low rate, and the duration will remain the same?|||Alright, so can any of these runewords be equipped to a javelin?

Or just the usual

Also considering for the build.




I really need to lower enemy resistance though. what are my options?|||I have no idea, you better ask in Amazon forum. I havent played amazon since 1.09d and it was bow amazon.|||Javelins have no sockets, so no runewords for them.|||and for lowering resistances, go poison facets.|||yea stay away from dragon/treachery for the venom, it sounds good but sets your poison durations to .4 seconds.


Venom caps the poisoning duration at 0.4 seconds, thus preventing long term poisoning. Consequently, all other items will only inflict poison damage for 0.4 seconds. Example: Though 700 damage over 10 seconds might seem impressive only 28 damage will be inflicted due to the 0.4 seconds cap.|||actually that's only for item-based poison. Venom goes very well with skill-based poison.

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