Saturday, April 14, 2012

charsi quest reward , what to do with it?

[:1]hey guys ive got multiple characters all with only the charsi quest reward missing out, this is because i am unsure what is worth imbuing...

what would be best? or what is possible stats that can roll?

circlets/tiaras/diadems - do these get skills?

gloves - to roll some nice java/bow stats?

belts - good stats?

weapons - hope for a godly roll?

shields - doubt these will have any good possible stats that beat spirits, homu, HoZ etc.

basically i dont have a clue how much benefit this reward can give, so any help on this would be appreciated

Twibz|||Diadems are in general very good targets for charsi'ing. The reason is twofold.

-Circlets can get all the juicy mods: +2 class/tree skills, FCR, FRW, all-res, etc.

-Diadems (and only diadems) can get any of the possible mods regardless of ilvl. This means that you can reroll diadems with the 6x pskull recipe ad nauseum without degrading the possibility for great mods.|||does my character level affect the rates of having good mods too?|||character level affects everything in that quest reward.|||Quote:

does my character level affect the rates of having good mods too?

not if you roll with a diadem.

if you roll with some lesser item, it would make a difference though. it takes whatever is lower: your level or the minimum level of the base item.|||Diadems can be gambled.

I try get eth crystal sword with high damage and IAS. Later you can upgrade it to eth PB. Of course you can have better weapon, for example runewords, but eth PB looks cool |||the other extreme is using it for lld or vlld imbuing. popular items to do it with are (all eth):

blade talons

throwing spears

ornate armor

war javelin

ancient armor

with these though sometimes the clvl is the most important part so some reading up on affix levels is probably in order if you want to do this.|||I always use Diadems. Cause with them, the level doesnt matter.|||At the beginning of a season, I use them on whatever I might need the most, usually being a sorc orb, gloves, belt or boots. Leter it's just about getting a free rare item, so I'm using diadems. I never got anything worth keeping so far IIRC, but a diadem almost aways sells for 35k gold |||Quote:

the other extreme is using it for lld or vlld imbuing. popular items to do it with are (all eth):

blade talons

throwing spears

ornate armor

war javelin

ancient armor

with these though sometimes the clvl is the most important part so some reading up on affix levels is probably in order if you want to do this.

Does it keep the ethereal property when imbueing? In that case ethereal dimensional blades would be what I would imbue.

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