Monday, April 16, 2012

Can venom work on other weapon class except claw for Assasin?

How about poison dagger? work on other classes?


How about poison dagger? work on other classes?


There is no weapon or class restriction for venom. Works with all weapons and classes.

Poison dagger increases all poison source's duration to it's duration, in short, it works very well with venom.|||Quote:

There is no weapon or class restriction for venom. Works with all weapons and classes.

Poison dagger increases all poison source's duration to it's duration, in short, it works very well with venom.

it seems pdagger not working with swords, it only work for daggers?|||Poison dagger is just for daggers. It's just like bows and bow skills, javs, etc.|||Quote:

it seems pdagger not working with swords, it only work for daggers?

Oh, sorry, I understood your question wrong. Thought you wanted to know if poison dagger and venom works together.

As Sass said, poison dagger works only with daggers, unlike venom which works with all weapons.|||Quote:

Poison dagger increases all poison source's duration to it's duration, in short, it works very well with venom.

Poison Dagger length is the sum of its length and item lengths, divided by the number of items. Since casting Venom results in items lengths being ignored, poison length is the sum of PD length and Venom Length (so PD length plus 10 frames or 0.4 second).|||Venom works on all weapons.|||Quote:

Poison Dagger length is the sum of its length and item lengths, divided by the number of items. Since casting Venom results in items lengths being ignored, poison length is the sum of PD length and Venom Length (so PD length plus 10 frames or 0.4 second).

What onderduiker is saying is that every daggermancer should have a Treachery on his merc to use as prebuff. As you can see from his example here, level 15 Venom nearly doubles the damage rate of level 30 Poison Dagger.

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