Saturday, April 14, 2012

Weapon speed vs damage


I was playing around with my druid this evening and I was wondering: where is the cut-off for trading weapon attack speed for damage? I've an axe with Very Fast Attack Speed and a sword that has a Fast Attack Speed, but the sword does a little more damage. How does one proceed when faced with attack speed vs damage? Is there a ratio to follow?


EDIT: Never mind, I've found what I need Can a mod delete this? I'm not sure how... thanks!|||First, you will have to calculate how much damage per unit of time you deal, by dividing average damage by the fpa rate of the attack (or its average speed).

It also depends on the speed of your enemy and how much life he has. You want to achieve two things:

1. hit him before he hits you (needs speed and range)

2. Send him into hit recovery (needs absolute damage)

All in all, I think a bit extra speed is even worth giving up damage per time. If you hit first and that puts him into hit recovery, you might be quick enough to deal a second hit before he recovers which might send him into hit recovery again.|||Quote:

All in all, I think a bit extra speed is even worth giving up damage per time. If you hit first and that puts him into hit recovery, you might be quick enough to deal a second hit before he recovers which might send him into hit recovery again.

If he can send you into hit recovery shouldn't that be factored into this too? I suspect there are a number of other factors that could affect the overall effect significantly, particularly in cases where you have a useful ctc effect- anything that chills over an area comes to mind. That would get pretty complicated to calculate though, particularly if you started considering chill effectiveness against various mobs.|||That's indeed a reason to be quick as well, but hitting first won't prevent the enemy from putting you into hit recovery if you don't deal enough to send him into that state yourself.

Maxed blocking will prevent 75% of all weapon hits anyway, with a few exceptions like smite, guided arrow and the charge of claw vipers which hit automatically.

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